Raising Awareness of Title IX and Sexual Assault

What is Title IX?

Title IX protects people from discrimination on the basis of sex. 


Who does Title IX affect?

Title IX affects all students, staff, faculty, and visitors at Texas State (and at all other federally funded educational programs or activities).


Image reads, "Alcohol blurs boundaries. Alcohol and other drugs mess with your ability to consent. Don't have sex with someone who's drunk or high."
Image reads, "Get consent. If you don't have clear positive consent, it's not sex. It's sexual assault."
Image reads, "Check your Prejudices. Keep Texas State inclusive and respectful. Shut down discrimination"
Image reads, "Zero Strikes. Violence is never acceptable. In or out of a relationship. You deserve better."
Image reads, "Dont say it. Dont do it. Unwanted sexual comments and touching are harassment. Respect boundaries."

What are some examples of Title IX violations?

Have you ever heard someone share one of the following?

“He keeps texting and emailing me even though I have asked him not to.”

“She screams at me in public, puts me down and calls me names.”

“I felt pressured to have sex when I didn’t want to.”

If so, you may have heard someone share an example of a Title IX violation, or sexual misconduct. Texas State University’s Title IX/Sexual Misconduct Policy outlines prohibited sexual misconduct, including:

  • sexual assault
  • sexual harassment
  • sexual intimidation
  • stalking
  • dating violence
  • family (domestic) violence

Awareness Opportunities

Programs on Campus

Students Against Violence: A peer educator group that leads programs about consent, bystander intervention, gender equity and more.