The Clery Act Compliance Officer, is responsible for ensuring Texas State is meeting all Clery Act requirements. The Clery Act Compliance Coordinator is housed at Institutional Compliance and Ethics, which reports to the Vice President, Chief of Staff.
Clery Act Compliance
The Clery Act
The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act is a federal law that requires universities to provide accurate and timely information about crime and campus safety to the university community as well as prospective students and their families.
In addition to crime statistics and general security policies, institutions with residential housing facilities are also required to provide fire safety policy statements, missing student notification requirements, and fire statistic information.
The purpose of the Clery Act is to promote a safe and secure campus and help community members make informed decisions about their safety. In order to comply with the Clery Act, it is vital that we understand our responsibilities under the law.

Clery Act Requirements
Examples of Clery Act requirements include but are not limited to the following:
- Publishing and distributing an Annual Security and Fire Safety Report.
- Maintaining a Daily Crime Log and Daily Fire Log.
- Disclosing crime and fire statistics for incidents that occurred on Clery Act geography for the three previous calendar years.
- Issuing timely warning and emergency notifications when required.
- Properly identifying and training campus security authorities.